Our Extended Arm Approach

At SESPL, we partner with you and strive to deliver quality services as part of a cohesive team. We pride ourselves in not being just another run-of-the-mill IT provider. Our unique “Extended Arm” approach makes this possible.
The Industry-dominating Pyramid Model is Obsolete

Organisations today are continuously challenged by trade-offs with long-term consequences. What if there was a choice which brought the best of multiple options together? We at SESPL do exactly that, with our unique Extended Arm model. There are 3 groups of problems typically associated with traditional IT operations:

The pyramid model

Traditional outsourcing models often use a senior-level client-facing account manager at the top of the pyramid, backed by a large number of novices in a low-cost country.

Conflicting motivations & spiralling TCO

The model is opaque and driven by headcounts, which incentivises outsourcers to keep adding people, often without a close look at sustainable output.

Typical tradeoffs

Should you maintain local quality or go for cheaper outsourcing? Should you Build or Buy? Should you invest in local, nearshore or offshore solutions?


What we do

Custom-built teams

We build a team specifically for our customer and their varied requirements, instead of assembling less-qualified teams from a pre-assigned "bench".

Skills-driven approach

Our team members are experts and work with our client’s teams as equals. We do not onboard team members until they have been jointly chosen along with the client.

Seamless integration

Since the experts are now on the client’s team, several boundaries and process breakdowns are avoided. Work output is transparent. At the same time, SESPL management oversees the quality of service to ensure satisfaction.

Transparent pricing

We prefer to keep contracts and pricing simple and transparent. We work on a partnership model with a strictly long-term focus. Our client feedback regularly touches on their appreciation about SESPL not trying to maximise earnings by stretching timelines and adding superfluous manpower.

Flattened hierarchy

The good thing about hiring skilled & motivated senior-level employees is that they get to the point fast and resolve pain points even faster. Our clients have direct access to all management levels at SESPL.

Right focus

Our model helps everyone focus on the activities and metrics that really matter. We focus on product quality as much as on the quality of the process. Our approach has been used successfully with a variety of engagements across the SAP ecosystem (AMS, Rollouts & Implementation, S/4 HANA migrations), ITSM, Enterprise Security, Operations Support, Architecture and others.